Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What is the best free adware protection software out there?

I use Lavasoft, but I really don't like it. It says I have for example 20 infections and my results only say it has deleted about 5 of them..Are there any other good options that are easier to use and better? Or should I just keep lavasoft

What is the best free adware protection software out there?stinger


This is free and requires you to check for and enable updates manually once a week or so. It uses no system resources. It blocks spyware before it installs.

SpywareBlaster (inoculates, not a spyware removal tool)



Spybot S%26D (free version requires manual updating)

AVG AntiSpyware


What is the best free adware protection software out there?virus scanner

most virus are spread through IE. IE is not a safe browser. you should use a more secure browser to protect your PC from virus.

i recommand you to use firefox with Google toolbar. firefox can block any any popup and disable any virus and adware, spyware on webpage, so, firefox is much safer than IE browser. as you know, most of virus spread throught internet and webpage.

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