Friday, August 20, 2010

I need to remove the adware called spywarequake?

This is a new variant of Spyaxe, SpywareStrike, etc.

Removal guide just put up here:

I need to remove the adware called spywarequake?photoshop

Download spysweeper and install it with the most up-to-date definitions. Then restart computer and while it is booting up, press F8 until you see a menu. choose ''safe mode'' and press enter. under spysweeper's options-%26gt;sweep options, make sure you have everything checked under ''what to sweep?'' and then have it scan your computer for anything malicious.

I need to remove the adware called spywarequake?symatec

Try these:

Ad-Aware Personal FREE Version:

SpyBoy Search %26 Destroy FREE:

AVG AntiVirus: (FREE Version)

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